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Granny's thoughts

last night i heard you whisper.........

                       I felt a breeze from high                              
You touched me with your spirit
I felt your wings swoop by
My heart so filled with sorrow
 I miss your special glow
No matter where I look now  
 my tears they seem to flow
Touch me with your softness
Fill me with your peace
Promise me tomorrow
This sadness will decrease
Something that you touched here
 The pillow where you slept
I lay upon that pillow
My heart & soul has wept
Yes I hear your laughter 
I see your special grin 
Your eyes so magnificent 
Reflections now begin 
Colors of a rainbow 
They fall now from the sky
Each day in life you'll bring them 
I'll never say good-bye
Oh yes I shall remember 
The things that we did share
These moments now are treasured 
With love that's always's there 
Sweet & gentle Angel 
With wings of love & lace 
Touch me in the morning 
At night my Heart Embrace..


 Poem Written by 
Francine Pucillo 
March 10th 2003

You were my smile sweet Boy


My sunshine


And Forever will make me Smile


Everytime & See your Face


Love & Miss You endlessly


Booger Monster


Today is ..7/6/10


One Day Closer to Heaven


Home ...Jesus ..You


& My Daddy


Give ((Hugs)) n Kisses 2 everybody Doodah


And be watching at the Gate For Me


Kisses 2 The Heart


Love Granny

I can’t forget that fateful day, you had to leave, you went away.
 A sadness filled me up inside, Emotions that I could not hide.
 Tears, they came, sadness too, All my emotions, just for you.
 Time will heal, so I was told, but time could never fill this hole.
 But In my heart there is a place, Your always there, keeping me safe.
 It’s filled with love & happy times, It’s never dark, your light it shines.
 In heaven now you do reside, To watch over me with Love & Pride.
 I know One day, we’ll meet again,
Until we do just know how much I miss you and you are always with me. Always.!


For My Mommy
& Daddy
God's Lent Child

"I'll lend you for a little while

A Child of Mine," God said,

"For you to love the while he lives,

And mourn for when he's dead.

It may be six or seven years

Or twenty-two or three;

But will you, 'till I call him back,

Take care of him for Me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you

And (should his stay be brief)

You'll have his loving memories

As solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay

Since all from earth return;

But there are lessons taught below

I want this child to learn.

I've looked the whole world over

In my search for teachers true;

And from the things that crowd life's lane

I have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love?

Nor think the labor vain?

Nor hate me when I come to take

This lent child back again?

I fancied that I heard them say,

"Dear Lord, Thy will be done.

For all the joys Thy child will bring

The risk of grief we'll run.

We will shelter him with tenderness,

We'll love him while we may,

And for the happiness we've known

Forever grateful stay.

But should Thy angel call for him

Much sooner than we've planned,

We'll brave the bitter grief that comes

And try to understand."

The way things went.


A chance to make it all better,

back to before my world was twisted and bent.

Time is a funny thing,

With the joys and

The heart break that it can bring.

Nothing we can do will change it.

I am screaming inside,

Since the day that I lost you,

I feel like part of me has died.

I miss you so much.

Time goes on,

But the memories remain.

Even though you are gone,

You are still our's  just the same.

My heart seems to always be in pain,

And when I think of you,

Tears fall like rain,

Even when I laugh.

You were such a big part of life,

A living piece of my heart,

Now that you gone,

I am being torn apart.

Nothing I say,

Nothing I do,

Nothing that happens,

Will make me stop loving you.

Your wonderful smile,

Your heartfelt laugh,

The memories that I hold,

Will never pass.

Time heals all wounds,

The pain begins to dim,

But the memories you made,

Keep my world from being grim.

I would rather hold you in my arms,

Instead of just my heart,

But remember, my baby,

We are never far apart.

Sometimes I swear

That you are still here,

Because something happens,

And I can feel you near.

A faint whiff of the shampoo,

That you used on your hair,

Let’s me know,

That you are still there.

Even though you are gone,

I can feel you close,

And that helps a lot,

When I am missing you most.

Time heals all wounds,

Or that’s what they say.

But please God for now,

Just help me make it through today.

~Here we are in 2016 ~

Missing you


Loving you


we just


Learned how


hard it is to live


without you

Buddy..It was 3 years ago  


That you came home for the last time

Little could we know  that your

Stay would be so Temporary

It's as if God Granted you the privilege

To for a little while return to the place

You loved the most ..

Home !


But sweety ..even though the grief , the tears

The emptiness ,and the sometimes overwhelming

Desire to just hold you , kiss you ,say I love you

Is still so very strong ..I do thank god for you

Everyday ,your smile ,your message,your love

Your precious tender heart That knew nothing but

Trust & love for others ..Oh That we could have

Even a small amount in us of what you possessed in

Your heart & spirit ..even though you couldn't speak..

Your spirit radiated the Hidden Manna That God

Offers to each of us to share & to be Fed the bread

Of Heaven That brings not Death...But eternal life !

You accepted your portion with great courage for being

A small child and left us far to soon more sadness

No more fears Jesus took away your tears ...How Happy

You must be ,to Take your place at Jesus knee..your

Heart over flowing..your spirit free..Alive eternal you will be ..

So my Grief is different now...I still cry bitterly at the loss of you.

And wish so to hold you & rock you to sleep ..But I'm counting on

Jesus....Be cause he's coming soon ..I can't wait to see him & kiss

His sweet face & thank him for Saving me ,by his Amazing Grace.

So you see precious Boy I've not long to wait

So Greet me there won't you...At The Great Pearly Gates.

But till then I'll miss you & wish you were Here

And I know that sweet Jesus has counted My Tears

Like you were I'm Homesick and can't Hardly  wait ..

But I have to Trust Jesus because he knows the Date !

Kisses to The Heart sweetest Boy ..

Gods Chosen .. The Little Children
Because of Jesus
You Live

My Sweetest Boy Buddy
Safe in The Saviors Arms
Heaven & Jesus rejoiced at
~Your Arrival ~

Gone to Your Heavenly Home


January 24th 2005

Precious memories  & Thought's


Of you Buddy ..I Love & Miss you with all


           our hearts & Long To see you            


O how precious the dream
that seems much more than a dream
because in it
the dearly loved ones we cannot touch,
in the dream
we touch -
and the interaction of the heart-love
is a breath of life
to our dreary routine.
Forgive my selfish envy
as I think of you,
not knowing if you can hear my voice,
or sense my heart right now,
but knowing
that you can reach up
and touch Jesus face
before I do.
(a stirring in my heart)
feeling Austin and Joy today)
A Friend..Pastor  
Jerry H
Special Feelings of love for you Joy !
Missing your Beautiful Smile
Love Daddy

Grandpa Mick Made This cool Shelf


For your Stuff..pretty cool..


Just for Little BigHorn

I Have Your Picture On A Table~I Greet You Everyday~I Blow A Kiss To Heaven~Because You 're Far Away~I Whisper That I Love You As My Eyes Fills Up With Tears~It Seems Like Just Yesterday Has  It Really Been 4 Years~I Hold Onto Your Memory That Gets Me Through The Day~I'll Always Have Your Picture. And All That I Can Say~Is That I Love You And I Miss You Even Though You're Far Away~I Know You're Watching Over Me From Somewhere Up Above~Blowing Me A Kiss From Heaven And Sending Me Your Love. UNKNOWN

I have not turned my back on you,
so there is no need to cry.
I'm watching you from heaven,
just beyond the morning sky.
I've seen you almost fall apart,
when you could barely stand.
I asked the Lord to comfort you,
and watched him take your hand.
He told me you are in more pain,
then I could ever be.
He wiped his eyes and swallowed hard,
then gave your hand to me.
Although you may not feel my touch,
or see me by your side.
I've whispered that I love you,
while I wiped each tear you cried.
So please try not to ache for me,
we'll meet again one day,
beyond the dark and stormy sky,
a Rainbow lights the way


In Loving  Memory Of Austin James Manley




Since I had to  leave you,The precious one's I love


To go along the silent Way, grieve not your hearts


Nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk


Remember me .. as if I were beside you there.


I'd come...I'd come, If only I could  find a way!


But would not tears and grief be barriers..


Would they get in the way?


And when you hear a song, or see a butterfly I loved,


Please do not let your  thought's of me be sad...


For I am loving you just as I always have...


My time with you was precious


You were so good to me!


There are so many things I wanted still to do...


So many things to say to you...


Remember that I Had no fear...


It was leaving you that was so hard to bare..


You  cannot see Beyond what heaven holds in store,


 But this I  want to Let you know..I'm waiting for you ...


Beyond gods glimmering shores


I loved you so...and Tho my  time on  earth was short


It Was a piece of heaven here with you...


  Loved Eternally.....Granny !

To my beautiful Teen Angel


Forever young




Forever In My Heart


your 13th 


Birthday Balloons me you were like a delicate little butterfly..Here for us to love & Marvel at for a short sunny season .The way you came to us ..well God had his Teach our Hearts a love of the purest kind .love that can only come from the heart on an innocent child ,to show us your heart of compassion & patients so we could learn too ..all the while  you were a reflection of the one who sent you .we had you & held you with love & with fear, and in the end we suffered heartbreak & The loss of you with Many tears...yes we held you for a little while but we had to let you go ,how much it hurt to lose  I hope you never Know ...yes we held you for a little while.... Then suddenly as butterflies  do fluttered away to a beautiful destination unseen & by our eyes & minds..leaving us with hearts yearning to go there too..and someday..somewhere beyond the Sunset .we'll find you ...  Until that day ! Forever ....We will Love you .cherish & miss you ..Happy Birthday teen Angel


Love you & Kisses to the Heart


Granny Jan

I looked toward the


clouds today
and for a moment saw your face
and wondered just where you have gone
and a hope it's a better place.

Did you show yourself to me today
to tell me you're alright?
Or was it just a daydream
playing tricks upon my sight?

Then I thought of when you left,
you did not say a word.
We never said good-bye, but
in our hearts, your good-bye was heard.

You have changed our lives forever,
your time here not in vain,
and hope you know we always wanted
to keep you safe from pain.

We will always feel the void inside
because you are not here.
But each new thought you send our way
let's us know you're always near.

So until our journey nears it's end
and we hear the angels sing,
we'll face each new day as it comes
and live off the love you bring.
~ unknown ~

Miss you Like Mad ..Love You Like Crazy


sending you some HugsSweet Boy!


Love ya ! Granny

I Will Hold You Close To My Heart Forever ....


There is no Tragedy on Earth


That Heaven Can't Heal


Can't wait to get there.....


See You There soon Sweety  


Granny xoxoxox's


                 "Thinking about you today My Special Butterfly"
                     you are the Butterfly of beauty in my life


                 that migrated home far sooner than I was ready
                                to see you go
                         but as it say's You Are FREE
                              fLY High Butterfly..
                       I Love You So Dearly Austin manley


                  And Miss You More Than Words Can Explain


                            Kisses 2 The Heart Baby 
                               Love Forever Granny!

I Have Your Picture On A Table~I Greet You Everyday~I Blow A Kiss To Heaven~Because You 're Far Away~I Whisper That I Love You As My Eyes Fills Up With Tears~It Seems Like Just Yesterday Has  It Really Been 4 Years~I Hold Onto Your Memory That Gets Me Through The Day~I'll Always Have Your Picture. And All That I Can Say~Is That I Love You And I Miss You Even Though You're Far Away~I Know You're Watching Over Me From Somewhere Up Above~Blowing Me A Kiss From Heaven And Sending Me Your Love. UNKNOWN

In Heaven Above    


They are taken from our sight
To live in God's heavenly light.
To suffer no more from the pain
And have everything in heaven to gain.


They may be taken early or late
To find heaven's pearly gate.
No more care or strife
Only to find everlasting life.


The life they had may be gone
But they sing a more joyous song.
No more will they rush or hurry.
They have no more problems or worry. 


They have moved to a better place.
Though we may not see their face
Know that they are cared for and loved
In God's beautiful heaven above.




~ Katherine M. Parisse ~
Copyright , 2000
©used with permission

Happy 17th Birthday Austin


 You Fought The Good Fight & You Finished the Race ..and I am ...sure you were right on time ..To get Home to Jesus & Hear him say ..well done my good & faithful servant..You Sweetest Boy ..Were The Sunshine of my Heart .You Changed Who I was .I will Forever have you as a reminder of what Love is..Cheer us on as we continue down here ...To Complete the Race you've Already Won!
Happy Birthday 17th Buddy..Love & Miss You behond Imagination..see you at Home , Love Your Granny


Thinking of you with all the  beautiful leaves falling sweety. Thanksgiving Has taken on
a whole new meaning since that is when you took so suddenly sick ..I will never feel the same yet i am thankful & grateful because I know your no longer sick , trapped, disadvantaged  or lack for anything.

I love you so very much...miss you even more.
But i am so Glad i can know
You're with Jesus Evermore and I'll see you there one day soon  man I can Hardly wait ..You better have a Bear Hug waiting for you granny :)

Kisses 2 The Heart Doodah Bug

((( HUGs)))



                        This picture i took at your memorial
                        a few days ago..but the scene above
                                    is a permanent
                         memory of our last walk together
                                  with your sisters
                            on that beautiful sunny day.
                        I'll never forget how you loved that
                           butterfly landing on your hand...
                               I love you & miss you so
                      very very much special Angel...Granny

                                                   I am the resurrection and the life.
                                  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.
                                  And whoever lives and believes in me will never die.


                                                               please visit           
 God Bless you all ..

 When god calls little children to dwell with him above we mortals sometime question the wisdom of his love for no heartache compares with the death of one small child who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild perhaps god tires of calling the old to his fold so he picks a rosebud before it can grow old god knows how much we need them and he takes but a few to make the land of heaven more beautiful to view ,believing this is difficult still somehow we must try, the saddest word mankind knows will always be good-bye .so when a little child departs we who are left behind must realize god loves children Angels are hard to find....(Author Unknown)

                  we can only Imagine..oh buddy what Joy for you 
         my heart overflows with happiness just thinking about this for you !
                                         Austin James (Buddy) Manley